Thursday, January 8, 2009

NOMA FALTA "Straight On!"

by julieanne rau

I lucked out for my first review of 2009 getting to watch Noma Falta play at GIA'S FASHION CABARET on Wednesday, Jan 7, 2009. I did a little research on her prior to the review and discovered that she is a classically trained violinist with a 10 year career with symphonies: what I got to witness was a Hard Rock and Blues girl.

I originally had a problem tuning into the stream. I got confused when I heard “Straight On” by Heart and im’d Gia’s owner Jenny Heying. “That’s not ‘Heart’” she told me, “that’s all Noma and she’s also playing her bass guitar”. I was shocked; it was probably the most professional/realistic performance I have heard in Second Life®.

With over 53 people on the SIM, this girl rocked it and rocked it hard, like Bonnie Raitt’s “Something to Talk About”. “Looking for the Kid” is a Hard Rock/Jazz piece with a soulful harmonica and her closing number which she calls her ‘go out and have fun song’; “Go On” by Angela Strehli. The evening was almost perfect with the exception of an uncooperative Second Life® that had her crashing a few times in the first 20 minutes. But this professional never skipped a beat. She’s easy to like, as she apologizes and uses words like “dang” and “Lord have Mercy” to show her frustration. Barring that, her deep rich voice has a smooth transition from one song to the next. You can understand that she’s passionate about her music!

I wish I had more time to talk with this amazing musician but as is typical in Second Life, on to the next concert. I am always impressed when the performer acknowledges the venue, as she did and has a bit of knowledge about the place, as she did. Backtracks are used during the performance but they are clean and clear as she mixes the sounds of her bass guitar to finish them off. As a matter of fact, when she crashed she plucked at a string or two of her bass and that was the only time I could actually tell she was playing it, the blend was that well done. This woman is all professional and I admire her abilities to make you feel a part of the show.

Eight months between performances is too long for me, I’m going to have to make an effort to see more of her. She gives you that feeling of escape during her act, that it’s just you and her listening to tunes in your room. At least that is how I felt.

Check her out at and tell me what you think. I’m interested to know if you feel like I do?

(video courtesy of tracy serra)

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