Sunday, September 21, 2008


by jenny heying

Goonigoogoo Gumbo is a southern musician (tell by the name?). Being from the south now, I feel I should get the feel for the music. I guess I kind of expected that to be Lynard Skynard, but then I'm naive. Goonigoogoo is not LS, not by a long shot, but he definitely has that southern feel of rock and had me stomping at the start.

Opening with Cash's Folsom Prison definitely got the crowd going and he did a fine job. No, he wasn't impersonating Cash, he did his own take and it was mighty fine. He does a little welcome tune naming everyone he can see, kinda corny now but it's okay. It was a good southern hospitality welcome.

Goonigoogoo runs the gambit in his covers. Following with Eight Days A Week is quite a change from Johnny. He started the song a little shaky and I was afraid it wasn't going to be dreadful. But part way through, he clicked and finished the song in fine form. From there he took us to Grateful Dead and I was beginning to wonder if this guy had a genre.

Goonigoogoo not only sings but plays guitar as well. No backing tracks here. Although his av has an electric guitar, he strums along with an acoustic, but so is Second Life ™.

Mr. Gumbo does quiver at times. He seems to miss something in every song and you kind of wonder if he's gonna make it through. I'm not sure what that is, but he usually manages to hit the notes and finishes every song strongly. While he does attempt a number of slower songs, it's not really his forte and seems to come across much better with livelier tunes.

Mid set, Gooni got into some Southern foot stomping music. This is where he finds himself. He's fun, it's fun and you have fun. More of this and you might have to up your insurance. Even his guitar seems to step it up a notch.

Back to Cash with "Boy Named Sue", Clapton's "Wonderful Tonight" and Dylan's "Mr. Tambourine Man" show his versatility. He amuses himself with slight impersonations but then jumps back into performing.

Gooni's set list is quite diverse. Aside from the afore mentioned, he covers Brad Paisley "Mud on the Tires", Cash's "Ring of Fire", Dylan's "Tangled Up in Blue" and "Simple Twist of Fate", and Bowie's "Ziggy Stardust".

Overall, Goonigoogoo is an adequate singer and guitarist, but he makes up for it with enthusiasm and charm. He brings his audience into his show and ensures they enjoy the night. You can't help but enjoy it.

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